The Walter lab welcomes graduate students from all Harvard Integrated Life Science (HILS) programs. If you are interested in a rotation, please contact Johannes.
If you have a strong background in molecular biology, biophysics, or a related field, send a CV and a list of references to Johannes Walter. Briefly describe a project you would like to pursue. New ideas are welcome!
Shipping Address
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Blavatnik Institute
Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Building SGM 211
Harvard Medical School
250 Longwood Ave.
Boston, MA 02115
Email: tel: 617 432-4799
fax: 617 432-5205 (PI) (Lab Manager)
Phone and Fax
Johannes Walter Office (SGM 204A): 617 432-4799
Pat Mannion and Main Lab: 617 432-2927
Fax: 617 432-5205
Reaching the Walter lab
You can reach the lab via public transportation by taking the Green D line to the Longwood stop or by taking the Green E line to the Longwood Medical Area stop and walking to 240 Longwood Ave, or you can park in the Children’s hospital garage at 2 Blackfan Circle (expensive). At 240 Longwood Ave (“A” on map), walk into the Harvard Medical School Quadrangle and go to the C building entrance (“B” on map). Ask the guard to call Johannes Walter (617 432-4799) or the lab (617 432-2927) and we will come get you. If no guard is on duty, call us directly.